Monday, July 22, 2013

Upcoming products to review

It seems I had forgotten about blogging for a seriously long time. Whilst being away I have transitioned to the next page of my life (though the whole process to turning the page was tiring). I'm now comfortably swimming through my first year of university and I seem to be riding smooth with my every day so I'm feeling content again.

Whilst being away, I have finished reviewing a few things and also picked up more make up products to review rather than just contacts (I actually haven't bought any new lenses in the past 6 months which is astonishing to even me!). I haven't thought about the regularity of the publishing of reviews yet so I'll mostly be posting one every now and then until I get into the flow of things. Hope that can work for a while ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

Here are just some images of a few products you can expect to see soon.

Until next time :)